Hard to believe another new year is starting. I started last year with all the best intentions of blogging every month, setting goals and sticking with them. Well, that lasted about 3 months. The last year has certainly continued to be yet another roller coaster both emotionally and physically. In setting some goals for this year I decided that not only did I need to set ones that were necessary, but I needed to set some fun ones too! I hope by doing that I'll be able to stick with more of them.
To start out right I've decided to clean the whole house before I start the goals list. It doesn't do me any good to say I'm going to keep this or that clean if it's not clean to start with. That's just setting myself up to fail from the get go. Also, I decided to start out with clean eating habits. I'm going to do the Dr Oz 48 hour cleanse. Now before you start thinking I'm crazy this is not one of those only drink water with weird things mixed in. This is eating real food that is designed to help reset your system. Thinking I'll do it this week so that next week I'll be ready to start with the goals.
So here they are:
1. Do the dishes daily- this is a carryover from last year, got it going and was doing really well until I had shoulder surgery.
2. Make a chore list- I know many friends who have these for their families and just because it's only me doesn't mean I shouldn't get myself organized.
3. Finish projects I start- I can honestly say I come by my lack of follow through naturally(I love you Dad!) I did a great job of starting my master bedroom and have enjoyed it this year, but I still need to do the closet and light fixture to finish it, neither are hard to do, but I get distracted too easily.
4. Keep up the exercise- I started before the holidays and need to get on track again. I feel so much more energy and sleep so much better when I'm doing it so why is it so hard?
5. Cook 1 meal from each cookbook I have- I love cookbooks. I read them and collect them, but I find that I don't cook from all of them even though they have great recipes.
6. Take a Technology Break- Take a break 1 day a month from all technology. This includes the TV, internet and phone. This may be one of my more challenging ones. Living alone I find I really like to have noise around me. It will be good to learn to live in the quietness.
7. Be more intentional with my friends- I have dear friends that I love very much, but sometimes I feel like I only talk with them on facebook. I want to spend real "face time" with my friends. Whether it's in a group or individually I want to be a real part of their lives.
8. Use the library- I live 5 blocks from a great library that I haven't used in years. There is no reason for me to by a book when I can check it out for free!(well not free, I pay my property taxes)
9. Finally remodel my kitchen!- I've hated my burgundy kitchen since day one of owning this house. It's small, inefficient and lacks a dishwasher. I've already gotten the cabinets and my design plans. This is the year it gets done!
10. Get back to work- Not that I really have much control over it, but it is my goal. 2 1/2 years since my injury, 2 surgeries and countless days in PT. I'm ready to move on, but my arm isn't yet. Hoping to finally get on the right track with it soon. I miss seeing my patients and co workers!
I'm looking forward to seeing what this year has in store for me. I believe that God has amazing things planned for each of our lives. I want my friends to ask how things are going with my goals. We were designed to be in community with each other and I want people to hold me accountable. What are your goals for this year?